Title: Little Wooden Ship Author: Shytan Rating: G Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington Summary: Young James meets a strange little boy with a little wooden ship. Warnings: - Notes: This was originally going somewhere else (guess who 'the Sea' is!) but for some reason didn't go anywhere interesting. Sorry :|
Title: Checkmate Author: Shytan Rating: PG Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann Summary: The king and his pawns. Warnings: Darker than my usual fics. Implied slash.
Title: Silk and Satan Author: Shytan Rating: NC-17 Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington Summary: Angry Beckett is Angry. Warnings: Slash For: Cutler Beckett Fic Exchange 2010 for Cold_Gentlemen Prompts: Shipboard, Biting, Spanking, Blackmail Notes: I messed up the other fic by adding a character you didn't want, so here's another ficcie
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Title: Blind the Eyes of Mercy Author: Shytan Rating: PG Characters: Cutler Beckett, Elizabeth Swann Summary: Beckett and the Pirate King have very different views of the world. Beckett chooses to share his. Warnings: Character Death
Title: The Lion and the Commodore Author: Shytan Rating: NC-17 Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington, Weatherby Swann Summary: A Commodore meets a Lion, and they do devilish things together right under the Governor's nose. Warnings: Slash For: Cutler Beckett Fic Exchange 2010 for Cold_Gentlemen Prompts: The Governor's Mansion, Dominance/
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Art for my part of the fic/art challenge. This is for sunsetdawn20 's story, (Per)Versions of Love and Hate. I decided to make a nice little pack of things since my manip didn't come out looking that great.
Title: Alpha Author: Shytan Rating: NC-17+ Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington Summary: Sometimes the dog is the master, and the master the dog. Warnings: Explicit slash, light bondage, animalistic behaviour.
Title: A Day in the Life Author: Shytan Rating: G Characters: Cutler Beckett, Elizabeth Swann, Mercer, Saunders & Estrella Summary: A day in the life of Cutler and Elizabeth Beckett. Warnings: - Notes: Prompted by Cassiopaya!